Estimation of NonGaussian Acoustic Channel for Array of Microphones

Estimation of NonGaussian Acoustic Channel for Array of Microphones

2018, Apr 05    

This project aims to estimate the different noise models, Gaussian and Non-Gaussian models (Gaussian Model, Alpha-Stable Model, Mix-Gaussian Model) in different Scenarios (Auditorium, Outdoor, Hall) and compare them. the collection of data audios to analysis were realized in the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) at the NPITI lab,

these are the results plots of each scenario, the histogram, Power Spectral Density (PSD), time and frequency domain of the first channel datas and of each kind of estimation.



This environment is the NPITI’s auditorium which is a indoor with soundproof. It’s a place where the UFRN’s teachers and students can lecture, So it’s a normal and quite place without large noises.

Auditorium NPITI ResPeaker

Data Analysis

Histogram ResPeaker PSD ResPeaker Time and Frequency Domain ResPeaker

Normal Estimation

Normal distribution parameters:



Histogram Gaussian Estimation ResPeaker PSD Gaussian Estimation ResPeaker

Alpha-Stable Estimation

Alpha stable parameters:





PSD Auditorium Alhpa-Stable ResPeaker PDF Auditorium Alhpa-Stable ResPeaker Histogram Auditorium Alhpa-Stable ResPeaker

Gaussian Mixture Estimation

Parameters of the Gaussians:

Mu1: -0.0011067

Sigma1: 0.0036058

Mu2: 0.0013198

Sigma2: 0.0035814

Gaussians of Mix-Gaussian Auditorium: ResPeaker Gaussians Sum of Mix-Gaussian Auditorium: ResPeaker

we can see that for quite places the normal distribution is better.



This environment is outside of the NPITI building, so it’s an outdoor environment and also a parking lot. There was construction next to the collection data equipment (Respeaker-Raspberry). Therefore it’s a loud place with significant noises.

Outdoor NPITI ResPeaker Outdoor NPITI ResPeaker

Data Analysis

Histogram ResPeaker PSD ResPeaker Time and Frequency Domain ResPeaker

Normal Estimation

Normal distribution parameters:



Histogram Gaussian Estimation ResPeaker PSD Gaussian Estimation ResPeaker

Alpha-Stable Estimation

*building open-field environment

Alpha stable parameters:





PSD Outdoor Alhpa-Stable ResPeaker PDF Outdoor Alhpa-Stable ResPeaker Histogram Outdoor Alhpa-Stable ResPeaker

Gaussian Mixture Estimation

Gaussians of Mix-Gaussian Outdoor: ResPeaker Gaussians Sum of Mix-Gaussian Outdoor: ResPeaker

we can see that for laud places the normal distribution is worse and the alpha-stable is better.



This environment is inside of the NPITI building and the collection of datas had been made by the night, so there aren’t so much noise, but there are reverberation because of the halls.

Hall NPITI ResPeaker Hall NPITI ResPeaker

Data Analysis

Histogram ResPeaker PSD ResPeaker Time and Frequency Domain ResPeaker


This project was about the characterization of the noise and how it works in every signal to have the better characterization for any situation. Every environment is specific and needs to have a particular representation of the noise in every single case.